terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2010

Inovações no Google Earth em 2009

As inovações no Google Earth em 2009

- New view of the Ocean Floor- New imagery in Washington, DC- Obama Inauguration in 3D- Vancouver in 3D in Google Earth
- Google Earth 5 Released- Google Chrome supports the Google Earth Plug-in- Imagery Update (February 28)
- New 3D cities (Lucerne and Santa Rosa)- Update to Google Mars- Historical Imagery Update
- Google Earth 5 Plugin Released- Imagery Update (April 11)- Updated terrain- Great Lakes Underwater features added to Google Earth
- Imagery Update (May 9)- 3D Buildings Update; 11,000 new models- New Business Layer for Google Earth and iPhone Google Earth
- Major StreetView Upgrade - 3D features- New Imagery (June 6)- New 3D cities (Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto)- New 3D cities (Warsaw, Prague, Oslo, Toronto, Indianapolis)
- Imagery Update (July 11)- Look at the Moon in Google Earth
- Imagery Update (August 2)- 3D buildings added to Helsinki, Finland- StreetView released in Switzerland, Portugal and Taiwan- Imagery Update (August 26)
- New 3D Cities (Dublin and Cardiff)- Google Earth 5.1 Released- Imagery Update (September 23)- New 3D Cities (Copenhagen, Marseilles)
- New StreetView Releases: Canada, Prague- Google unveils the "Building Maker" tool- New 3D cities (Antwerp and Portage)- New 3D cities (Melbourne and Lyon)- Imagery Update (October 20)- New 3D buildings
- Imagery Update (November 3)- New historical imagery (November 6)- New 3D cities (Milwaukee and Indianapolis)- New StreetView imagery in Mexico, Netherlands and Hawaii- New 3D cities (Valencia and Oklahoma City)- Google Earth 2.0 for iPhone released- More cities and options added to Building Maker- Google Earth 5.1 no longer considered beta- Imagery Update (November 19)- SketchUp 7.1 Released
- New StreetView imagery (Singapore, Canada and others)- More cities added to building maker- Imagery Update (December 3)- New 3D city (Milan)- Aerial Perspective imagery released for Google Maps API- New 3D city (Detroit)- Imagery Update (December 15)- New 3D cities (Tucson, Cleveland and Florence- Vancouver Olympic Venues in 3D


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